Category: Real Estate
According to the National Hurricane Service and the National Weather Service, Hurricane Dorian still remains at large with dangerous winds heading northward just off the shore of Florida. Coastal flooding is expected through Wednesday stemming from the expected long-duration of rain, storm surge, damaging winds, and isolation of the tornadoes to the area.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the launch of a public awareness campaign to educate New Yorkers about the services and compensation available from the state to assist innocent victims of crime and their families. The "Help, Healing and Hope" public service announcements, which feature survivors of crime describing the assistance they received from the Office of Victim Services, are now airing on broadcast television stations in 10 markets across the state.

Mayor Ras Baraka will be opening the Fifth Center of Hope today, at the Clubhouse located at 205 Spruce Street, 3:30 p.m. Joining the City of Newark Mayor will be the Newark Housing Authority who will be offering a variety of athletic, arts & culture, educational, environmental, healthy living, and recreation programming to engage and empower the community.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Charlene McCray announced in a press release a spooky Halloween party will be held at Gracie Mansion for New York City families. Ticket giveaways to enjoy tricks and treats with the First Family will be available on Monday, October 26 between 12 p.m. and 10 p.m. EST.
Mayor Bill de Blasio kicked off Climate Week yesterday with the announcement of solar installations doubling since the beginning of his administration. One City" Built to Last plan was release last week to report the spur of growth of solar energy in New York City for both public and private buildings.

In order to have a Casino housed outside of Atlantic City, New Jersey, the New Jersey Constitution must be changed! According to a source within Governor Chris Chirstie's office it is too late to question legislation about placing the proposed change onto the ballot normally voting in by the people.