Category: Automotive

Governor Andres M. Cuomo has revealed the results from the statewide crackdown regarding underage drinking and fake identification at summer concerts and other underage hotspots. To date there has been 133 arrests and 63 confiscated false identification documents. The new detection equipment by the Department of Motor Vehicle was utilized for the first time.

Today, the Motorcycle delegations from Albany, Suffolk and Ulster Counties will ride to New York City to greet Vice President Biden and Governor Cuomo before proceeding to the World Trade Center Site. The riders are paying tribute to the strength, courage, and heroism of the first responders who led recovery efforts during and following the September 11th terrorist attacks.

New York State Police made over 750 arrests of drivers that were intoxicated during the 20-day Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over national crackdown. The Labor Day crackdown was aimed to reduce impaired motorists who drive while drunk or ingested with drugs. The New York State Police and local law enforcement agencies targeted drivers that were distracted, speeding or not wearing seatbelts.