Category: Society

The City of Newark has announced that police, fire, and other uniformed emergency services will be unaffected by the observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Street-sweeping, garbage, and bottling recycling collection services will take place during the next normal collection day in Zone A, on Thursday, January 21. Paper recycling will occur on Monday, January 25, 2016.

A Call For Action has been announced by the mother of slain Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old child that was video taped while being shot dead by Cleveland, Ohio Police Officers, while playing in a public park. The fatal shooting, that was released in real-time, has pointed out that a described person was pointing a hand gun spurring the police to intervene and take action.
Racism, economic inequality, and poverty all contribute to dysfunctional individuals within some communities. After the death of Freddie Gray, Baltimore, Maryland announced a "Credible Threat" alert within the community that flourished into a National Law Enforcement Problem without a solution.