Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network (NAN) will be hosting a "Feed The Hungry" event on Thanksgiving Day. Special guests Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, Harold Ford, Jr. and others will join the Rev. Al Sharpton from 11:30 am to 3 pm for an Annual Thanksgiving Day Meal at the House of Justice, 106 West 145th Street, New York, NY.
Harlem, NY -- Rev. Al Sharpton has a reputation for feeding the hungry on Thanksgiving Day as an expression of gratitude for his selfless works to assist others during their time of crisis. Social Justice is just the fight for freedom identified by a struggle, but it is sometimes defined as a distribution of wealth or opportunity challenged by injustices within society. When an injustice has been done to deprive one of their human rights or a fair allocation of community resources, Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network steps in to promote the value and personal responsibility amongst those who practice unethical principles against disadvantaged members of society. Whether its human rights that are necessary for a fair standard of living to an event, equal opportunities in achieving any job, or a right to life, opportunity is equal to all in Rev. Al Sharpton's mission and basic structure.
Join Rev. Al Sharpton tomorrow for a day of blessings and thanks as a national holiday is celebrated in Harlem, New York. And remember to use the hashtag #NANTHANKSGIVING while celebrating language, tradition, and heritage.