The City of Newark will dedicate a street in honor of he Rev. Dr. Ronald B. Christian today, December 19, at 11 a.m., at Wickliffe and West Market Streets. The street will be renamed in the honor of Irvington's spiritual leader who began his career of activism and advocacy in Newark dating back from 2002 until his death in October 2015 this year at age 51.
Newark, NJ -- The City of Newark will recognize the works of the late Reverend Dr. Ron Christian on Saturday, December 19, at 11 a.m., at the corner of Wickliffe and West Market Streets. Dr. Christian received numerous awards for his work and was appointed to the Governor's Office as one of the first delegates for the study of faith-based community development. Before Dr. Christian's ministry began, he volunteered at the Clearview Baptist Church in Newark, where he preached the gospel under his father's pastorate at the Upper Room Missionary Baptist Church, also located in Newark.
On Friday, October 30th, Dr. Ron Christian was discovered dead in the church where he delivered words of practical applications to those who sought the journey and methods of Christian Love Baptist Church. A former heroin addict of the 1990's, Dr. Christian, turned his life around after being sent to prison in 1996 for theft while working as a Department of Corrections Officer. After his release in 1997, Dr. Christian later joined the church of his father and began assisting rehab centers and homeless shelters to become a licensed minister. It was later discovered that Dr. Christian was under fire for federal corruption charges by U.S. Senator Robert Menendez on October 21, 2015, which could have lead to his death.
All are welcome to attend the dedications to the streets to honor the late Reverend Doctor Ronald B. Christian of the Christian Love Church with memberships to 6,000.