New York State Police made over 750 arrests of drivers that were intoxicated during the 20-day Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over national crackdown. The Labor Day crackdown was aimed to reduce impaired motorists who drive while drunk or ingested with drugs. The New York State Police and local law enforcement agencies targeted drivers that were distracted, speeding or not wearing seatbelts.
"New York has a zero tolerance for drunk driving and reckless driving," Governor Cuomo said. "One mistake can change a life forever, and I applaud the State Police and our law enforcement partners for getting dangerous drivers off the road and keeping New Yorkers safe." The State Police has reported that of the 769 DWI arrests between August 21 to September 7, 2015, more than 219 occurred during Labor Day weekend. Last year resulted in 663 people who were arrested for DWI.
The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Labor Day crackdown kicked off during a press conference in Buffalo on August 20. The legal threshold for driving while intoxicated is .08 percent BAC, but many offenders are arrested at twice that level. According to the national Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drugs other than alcohol, such as marijuana and cocaine, are a factor in about 18 percent of motor vehicle driver deaths today.
To learn more about the risks of impaired driving and for traffic safety tips, visit the DMV website and the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee website. Additional news is available at www.governor.ny.gov