Today, the Motorcycle delegations from Albany, Suffolk and Ulster Counties will ride to New York City to greet Vice President Biden and Governor Cuomo before proceeding to the World Trade Center Site. The riders are paying tribute to the strength, courage, and heroism of the first responders who led recovery efforts during and following the September 11th terrorist attacks.
The Motorcylce delegates will depart from Albany, New York this morning at 7:30am to enter the New York State Museum at Madison Avenue. The Division of Veterans Affairs Director Eric Hesse will deliver short remarks to everyone. The ride will continue at 10:00am to the Modena Travel Plaza, located at the Thruway Milepost 66 Southbound. Later, the ride will continue around 11:00am the riders with greet everyone at the Jones Beach State Park, in the West Side Parking Lot and Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will deliver remarks. Finally, at 1:00pm, between 12th Avenue between 45th and 46th Streets, Vice President Joe Biden and Governor Cuomo will join the Motorcycle Riders at a lunch reception.