The City of Newark To Form Partnership With The American Red Cross

Mayor Ras Baraka announced partnership with the American Red Cross to begin a series of home fire preparedness inspections for approximately 1,400 homes across the City of Newark tomorrow between the hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m, Saturday, October 18, 2015. Volunteers will canvass the streets of Newark after a welcome rally at Brick Avon Academy, 219 Avon Avenue at 8:30 a.m.

Newark, NJ --  ​Mayor Ras J. Baraka, along with the Newark Municipal Council, Fire Director James W. Stewart, Fire Chief John G. Centanni, Jr., and the Newark Municipal Council members will present the first of many series of home fire preparedness inspections with the representatives from the American Red Cross tomorrow.  The American Red Cross Volunteers and Newark Firefighters will go door to door in the neighborhoods of selected wards to talk to homeowners and residents about their needs and importance of having smoke alarms installed in their homes.  Other partners for this event include the Newark Office of Emergency Management and the Newark Housing Authority.

According to the Baraka administration, smoke alarms only have a life-span of 10 years which sparked attention to increase awareness through preparedness to the residents of Newark, New Jersey.  A similar preparedness program to save lives was implemented in the state of Oregon and Southwest Washington earlier this year.  In 2014, a National Home Fire Preparedness Campaign was launched by the American Red Cross in an effort to assist families and homeowners with home-fire preparedness plans.  The campaign was aimed at reducing deaths or injuries across the United States, and more than 10,000 homes have been offered fire safety and family disaster plans based upon telephone calls and online appointments.

For the City of Newark, residences with identifying needs will be provided with an installation on the spot and to reduce fire-related injuries under the continued Home Fire Preparedness Campaign in their city.  Teams of volunteers will commit  their time and willingness to aid Newark residents with training on the the subject of preparedness as a need to get connected with the volunteers.  

For more information about this event contact:

Newark Fire Department
Capt. John Brown

American Red Cross
Diane Concannon

Erica Viviani


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