In order to have a Casino housed outside of Atlantic City, New Jersey, the New Jersey Constitution must be changed! According to a source within Governor Chris Chirstie's office it is too late to question legislation about placing the proposed change onto the ballot normally voting in by the people.
The New Jersey State Constitution of 1947 was agreed upon by the delegates of the people at Rutgers University , in New Brunswick, on the 12th day of June, and through the 10th day of September. The people of the State of New Jersey is permitted to enjoy the many blessings of the State especially when it comes to endeavors that transmit health care reductions. In Article IV, Section VII-D, the New Jersey Constitution states that it is lawful for Legislature to authorize by law the establishment and control of Gaming Houses or Casinos. But what happen to the votes of the people to change the New Jersey Constitution to put the question on the Ballot for Legislation to authorize Casino gambling outside of Atlantic City?
As it stands, the New Jersey Constitution probably will not see an amendment to add another Casino location until 2017. It is now too late to present the questions to Legislation to add "Casino Talks" to the ballots. So, what does that mean for the thousands of senior citizens and disabled residence of Hudson and Essex County? It means that without a Gambling House or casino within the boundaries, State revenues will not be available to reduce property taxes to provide needed funding for reduced health care services or transportation services to the senior citizen and disabled resident.